2015년 6월 18일 목요일

Shadow Reading Video

This is the part of my favorite movie, called "her" This guy fall in love with Samantha, an intelligent computer operating system personified through a female voice.
Plus, I really recommend you to see this movie, Her. It is really touching and.. hurts my heart.

M: What are you doing?
W: I'm just looking  at the world...and writing a new piano piece.

M:Oh, yeah? Can I hear it?
W: Mm-hm.
M: What's  this one about?
W: Well, I was thinking we don't really have any photographs of us and... I thought this song could be, like...a photograph captures us in this moment in our lives together.
M: Mm.. I like our photograph. I can see you in it.
W: I am.

                                              Shadow after(inserted the same song)

Shadow before


Sowon's quizzlet

It has 100 words. Here's the URL. https://quizlet.com/_19uqu2


The parody of the Frozen kingdom! 10seconds video used app.

2015년 5월 31일 일요일

Shelf video 2 reflection

First, it was difficult to work alone for everything making video. Recording voice, editing video, making script, thinking topic and ideas and so on..
Second, I think there are some parts that I didn't say anything. Actually,  It was hard to keep speaking for all time about 9mins, and had not really things to say. Sorry...TT
But following TV cooking program was fun and the taste was fantastic! I was satisfied with my cocktail.

My Shelf video 2: Following Bak chef's recipe(Mojito cocktail)

2015년 5월 23일 토요일

Job interview refletion2

I said "My rolemodel is professor Kim Min hae because i like his knowledge of literature and character and respect all aspects",but should have to say "My rolemodel is professor Kim Min Hae who teaches English literature at the Busan University of Foreign Studies because i like his great knowledge of English literature so i love his all poetry classes. And also he gives me helpful and practical advices seriously. I respect all of his aspects and want to follow him."

2015년 5월 17일 일요일

Job Interview Reflection

First, my speaking was not good and there was nothing to speak of job interview.
I realized that my career is not enough to say and i need to do something helpful for my job. If i were an employer, i would not choose me... So, I have to practice speaking English more and do some outside activities for my future job. But that experience in the class was good and fun. Fighting!!